
I like games, so i've made a few myself. These are some of my games that i've developed using Flash.


Frogger clone

Its a clone of the classic Frogger game by Sega in 1981


Space Invaders clones

It's a Space Invaders clone of the orginal Bally/Midway game from 1978, with 3 levels of difficulty a user registration system and hi-score tables. Use the the left/right arrows to move and fire with the spacebar. If you love space invaders, you should check out The Ultimate Space Invaders Shrine for everything you could ever want to know about the classic game. The second one is another invaders clone made for the RNID's Don't lose the music website.


Asteroids clones

Asteroids by Atari, 1979. My Version. Nuff said! I like asteroids :-) Due to popular demand there are now 3 versions of my asteroids clone in circulation.



A retro 70's simple simon game... programmed by me and designed by luke


Bug Run

A simple car game from overhead, beat the clock to get to the next level... programmed by me and designed by luke


Space Rocks

At the moment I only have version I online, I will be following this up soon with version II.